Baby laying next to mom

5 Ways I Will Be a Better Mom in 2020

It’s easy for us moms to beat ourselves up. Are we teaching our kids the right stuff? Are we disciplining properly? Are we encouraging behaviors that will lead to long-term success?

There’s a lot to think about and dwell on as a parent. This year, instead of trying so hard to be the perfect mom, I’m going to simply work to improve in 5 areas that I know I can be better.

Put Down My Phone

This one had to be first on the list because I’m so. very. guilty. I have mastered the single arm bottle feeding so that I have a free hand to scroll through Facebook. (Sad, but true.) While I don’t think phone time in itself is bad, it can be such a distraction from everyday life. I am committed to lowering the number that comes out in that shameful screen time report my iPhone sends me every Sunday morning. Spending less time on my phone will allow me to be more focused on my family, friends, job and hobbies.

Play More

There is always so much work to do. Between washing bottles and doing laundry and making dinner, the list seems endless. While I know these tasks aren’t going anywhere, I want to spend more of my little dude’s awake time playing with him. He is at an age where he loves my attention (and even thinks I’m pretty funny). This won’t last forever! I’m going to enjoy it while I can. The chores still need done… but if they get delayed, that’s okay.

Ride My Bike

Yes, yes… I know everyone in the worlds new year’s resolution is to exercise and lose weight. Well, I’m going to join the club. I gained a significant amount of weight during my pregnancy, and it’s not just “falling off” like I hoped it would. Weight certainly isn’t everything, but I want to be more active. I want to be able to run around with my kiddo and keep up. I want to be able to play tag and chase without panting after 5 minutes. I want to be able to take the little one on bike rides. While I am not committing to any specific weight loss goals, I am committing to being a healthier, more active parent.

Worry Less About “The Other Moms”

Momming is so. much. pressure. If the stress of parenting itself isn’t enough, add the stress of what everyone else thinks parenting should be. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding? Purees or baby led weaning? Cry it out or cuddle up? I need to stop worrying about what others think, and feel confident in my parenting decisions. My husband and I will educate ourselves, listen to our intuition and then do what we determine is best.

On the flip side, I will take a critical look at myself and my judgement of others. I hate to admit that before I had my little one, I was always shocked to find out that a mom wasn’t breastfeeding. Didn’t they know what was best for their baby? Going through breastfeeding issues of my own has opened my eyes to the reality that every situation is different. Let’s offer support over judgement!

Pray for the Littles

In my little guy’s first few days, I frequently thanked God for such an amazing gift. It seemed unbelievable that he was finally here! I also prayed for the boy and man he would grow into. I had lots of time sitting around, so it was “easy”.

Now that my son has become a part of “normal life” and experiences less issues than he did as a newborn, I find myself praying for him less. Life is more hectic now that I’m back to work, and I’m not begging God to take away some of the initial struggles he had. That said, I know God still wants me to come to Him with thanks and requests. In 2020, I will spend more time praying for my little guy.

I will also pray for other littles – both in my circle and outside of it – as well as their parents. There are kids who are sick, neglected, hungry, abused… the list sadly goes on. While I hope to have opportunity to help through more ways than just prayer, I do believe that prayer makes a difference.

These are just a few ways I know I can be better in 2020. What are your resolutions? Drop them in the comments below!

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