Everything You Need to Know About Giving Birth

Everything You Need to Know About Giving Birth Before You Go to the Hospital

Lamaze classes. Birthing videos. Hospital tours. There are so many things you can do to prepare to give birth to your first child! So what exactly do you need to know about childbirth before you go to the hospital? I’m going to let you in on a secret… the answer is nothing!

I Chose to Wing It

Those who know me well know that I’m a control freak. I like to plan, be prepared and know all of the details. Surprisingly enough, I chose to take the exact opposite approach when it came to childbirth. The thought was intimidating, and I didn’t want to freak myself out. So I figured I would rather “wing it” than understand the rarely-discussed topic of pushing out a human. I didn’t look up a single article about giving birth. I didn’t read any books. I didn’t take any classes. And guess what… I had a baby!

I learned a few valuable lessons through this experience:

The Nurses Tell You What To Do

The nurses tell you how to breathe. They tell you how to push. They count for you. They are there by your side the entire time guiding you. It is their job to help you have your baby, and they know what they are doing. Rely on them, and know that you don’t have to rely on your own memory or knowledge.

If you’re as lucky as I was, you’ll have nurses that are cheering you on throughout the entire process. Our main nurse even stayed far beyond her regular shift time to wait for our little guy’s arrival. Labor and delivery nurses are special people.

It’s Not Worth Worrying About

The baby comes when he or she is ready, and there’s not much you can do about it. Will your water break at work? Will you start having contractions in the middle of a church service? (I did!) Will your doctor be on vacation? (Our’s was.) Will you be forced to have a c-section? It’s out of your control, so listen to the popular kids movie, and Let It Go. Your baby is the end result, and that’s all that matters.

Giving Birth Isn’t That Bad

Fellow moms… I feel your dagger eyes. Don’t get me wrong here. Giving birth is no walk in the park. It’s probably the most traumatic experience your body will ever go through. But women do it every day, and they’ve been doing it for years. All of those moms that have multiple kids? They made that choice. The thought of birthing another child didn’t keep them from having more.

Also, I hate to break it to you, but taking care of the actual kid is much harder than giving birth. The childbirth process just becomes a blurry detail in your mind after about a week, when you can start walking normally again.

It’s long. It’s painful. But it’s worth it.

Should I Really Not Take Lamaze Classes?

Don’t take my message the wrong way – I’m not here to tell you not to prepare. If you’re feeling ambitious, take all the classes. Read all of the books. Go on all of the tours. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! But if you’re already feeling overwhelmed with life and pregnancy, don’t sweat it. You and your baby can do without.

Is There Anything I Need to Know?

I mentioned that you don’t need to be prepared at all to give birth. It’s true. But there are two decisions that are probably worth thinking about before you arrive at the hospital:

  1. Do you want the drugs?
    Some moms choose to forego an epidural. (I wasn’t one of them.) If it’s something you are worried about, take some time to do a little bit of research and get comfortable with your decision.
  2. If you have a boy, do you want him to be circumcised?
    Weird topic, I know. But on little dude’s first day, the doctor will come in and ask you, and they’re expecting an answer right away. We opted for “yes” for our little guy, but it’s actually becoming more common not to circumcise. You make the call!

If you love food as much as I do, you can also start thinking about the first meal you will order after you give birth. (Hello, Big Don Italian Sub!) But that’s less of a necessity…

Feeling Unprepared? Don’t Fret.

It’s normal to feel unprepared in those last months of pregnancy. Let’s be real… there’s nothing that can prepare you for having your first baby. But I’m here to tell you not to worry. What your baby really needs is you. If you have diapers and a couple of blankets, you are golden. (Plus Amazon Prime is only a day away.)

Sleeping may be uncomfortable, but at least it’s mostly uninterrupted. Enjoy the zzz’s while you can, and get ready for the best and most challenging life change you’ll ever experience.

Once you’ve handled the childbirth part, the hard part is next. Read my Six Tips for Surviving Your First Week With a Newborn.

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