Baby in hospital crib after birth

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“One of these days, we’re going to go to the hospital, I’m going to give birth to a human, and we are going to take it home, and it’s going to live with us.“ I shared this revolutionary thought with my husband when I was 8 months pregnant. If you can imagine, he gave me a funny look, and said, “Yeah…..

It’s not that I didn’t know we were going to have a baby those first 7 months. It just started to seem really real in that final pregnancy countdown. Life was going to change in a big way.

On July 21, I gave birth to a tiny human that rocked my world. Everyone says you don’t understand parenthood until you live it. Well they aren’t kidding. I thought I knew what to expect from babysitting and spending time with my 8-month-old niece, but nothing can really prepare you for the stress, worry, and crazy love that a baby brings. 

What I’ve learned in my brief journey of momhood is that there are ups and downs – new challenges and victories each day… but every single day with my little man is a blessing. While thankfulness isn’t typically my first emotion during the relentless screaming spells, at the end of the day, I couldn’t be more thankful that God entrusted my Rocko to me. When the days get long, I have to take a step back, look at that sweet chubby face, and remind myself that I’m one blessed mom.

One Blessed Mom author, Jaclyn Langenkamp, holding baby son

Something else I’ve quickly learned through this journey is that there’s just so much I don’t know. *In walks Google.* I find myself Googling mom topics every single day. Is it normal for my baby to sneeze all the time? Is there a better diaper rash cream than Desitin? What is the best app to track feedings? Let’s not even start on all of the breastfeeding questions… Needless to say, Google and I have become besties.

So do I have revolutionary parenting advice or ideas to share on the blog? Hardly. I’m just one more mom trying to navigate these choppy (smelly, sleepless, snuggly) waters. If my writing can help another mom out there get through one more tired work day, one more colic crying session, or one more nasty blowout, I’ll consider it a success. 

You can expect to hear about my experiences, my emotions, my faith, people and products I love, and anything related to my life as a mom.

I hope you’ll come along on this journey with me and my family. 

One Blessed Mom

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